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The Good Hair Diet

Rose gold hair
So many hair products say they offer nourishment for your hair. Can a hair product really nourish your hair? Your hair can certainly absorb a certain amount of ingredients from hair products. A hair product can definitely condition and moisturize your hair plus create a barrier between your hair and the heat from blow dryers and styling irons. 

The higher quality your hair products are, the better your hair will look and feel. High quality professional hair products contain better ingredients to improve the look and feel of your hair.

Try Paul Mitchell products for smooth shiny hair

To make it strong and healthy, give your hair real nourishment from the inside where it really matters. There are specific foods that you can eat to give not only your hair and scalp, but your skin and nails what they need to be healthy and beautiful. 

You will not see immediate results when your change your diet, though. The new healthy hair has to grow from the scalp. Get regular haircuts to help your hair look it's best as that healthier hair grows in. Here are recommended nutrients and what foods to eat to get them for healthier hair and scalp.
leafy greens
The Good Hair Diet


We need all 21 of the proteinogenic amino acids to build proteins and maintain healthy bodies. The amino acids most beneficial for the formation of healthy hair and nails are Histadine, Lysine, Arginine, Cysteine, Methionine, Serine, Proline, Glutamine, Glycine and Threonine. Foods classified as high protein foods contain amino acids as well as some unexpected veggie foods like celery and cucumbers.

Soy: The complete soy protein encourages hair growth. Eat edamame (soybeans), tofu and soy milk.

Eggs: Eggs are an amazing high quality protein food. They contain all the amino acids you need to build healthy keratin with only 78 calories. The chickens thank you for buying only cage free, free range humane eggs!


Zinc helps to reduce dandruff and is needed to repair our cells. Eat peanuts, cashews, almonds, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, wheat germ, chick peas and peas. Finish with it off with a little dark chocolate!

Omega 3 Fatty Acids    
Omega 3 conditions the scalp. Eat soybeans, walnuts, flax seeds and salmon.

Omega 6 Fatty Acids   

Omega 6 adds strength and shine to the hair. It also helps to fight dandruff. Eat cereals and grains, oils: flax seed, soybean, corn, sunflower, cottonseed, black currant and evening primrose and egg yolks.

B Vitamins   

B Vitamins, especially biotin, reduce hair loss and hair breakage. They improve hair strength and aid in the production of oil by the oil glands which conditions the scalp and hair. Biotin also prevents premature graying! 

Eat leafy green veggies, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, avocados, cabbage, onions, cauliflower, chick peas, kidney beans, nuts, bananas, berries, wheat germ, yeast breads, egg yolks, cheese, yogurt and halibut. 

Vitamin C   

Vitamin C also allows the oil glands to make oil to condition the scalp and hair. Eat citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi fruit, papayas, guavas, cantaloupe, tomatoes, bell peppers, dark leafy greens, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower fresh thyme and parsley. 

Vitamin A  

Helps to prevent hair loss. Eat apricots, cantaloupe, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin,  butternut squash, dark leafy greens, paprika, cayenne, chili powder, red pepper powder, dried herbs: parsley, basil, marjoram, dill and oregano and egg yolks.


Silica is a mineral that helps to slow down hair loss and adds strength and shine to the hair. Eat bananas, strawberries, raisins,  beets, celery, peppers, potatoes, green beans, carrots, cucumbers,  asparagus, cabbage, onions, oats, brown rice, bran cereal.

Copper helps hair retain it's pigment. Eat mushrooms, seeds: sesame, pumpkin and sunflower, nuts: cashews, hazel nuts, brazil nuts, walnuts and dried basil.  Add a little dark chocolate, too! 

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, doing a study on probiotic yogurt and digestive health, found that the animals they were studying developed very shiny hair. The probiotic causes changes in the immune system and hormones that affect hair and skin. The scientists feel there would be a similar effect in people.

A healthy diet will help your body make healthy hair.
For me, a yummy salad full of veggies, hard boiled egg, nuts and seeds, is the perfect food for healthy hair, skin and nails. Good nutrition makes us healthier and more beautiful inside and out!

Click here for healthy recipes!

        Have a Beautiful Day! 
Licensed Cosmetologist, Esthetician, Makeup Artist

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