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Our Eyes Show Our Age....The Limbal Ring

I recently read a article from Allure Magazine, What Is Your Face Telling the World?

The article is about how quickly people judge others and form opinions about them in a matter of seconds. It shows the significance a first impression makes. Is it right that people make these quick judgments? I say no, but apparently, we all do it. Reason enough to visit The Juicy Beauty Word for your beauty tips, right?

Anyway, the thing in the article that caught my eye, was the visibility of the limbal ring. 

What is the limbal ring?

The limbal ring is the dark circle around the colored part (the iris) of the eye. It separates the colored part of the eye from the white part (the sclera) of the eye. 

It is said that we unconsciously notice this quickly when we look at someone. 

The limbal ring becomes less prominent as we age or when we are in ill health. A thick, dark ring represents not only youth, but health and beauty as well. It makes the whites of the eyes look whiter and brighter and intensifies the eye color.
limbal ring eye collage

For me it explains something I see, or rather, don't see in the eyes of senior citizens. I never could quite put my finger on why the eyes of older people lack definition and look old to me, besides the obvious wrinkles around them, gray hairs and thinning brows and eyelashes.

What is also interesting to me is that there is a solution to the fading limbal ring....contacts with a prominent limbal ring! Acuvue has created Define Lenses to enhance the beauty of your eyes. This includes darkening the limbal ring. It is amazing what can be cosmetically fixed. 

Tinted eye glasses would be a quick and easy solution. They hide the eye, the wrinkles and the thin lashes altogether!

Well, you know I had to peek at the pages of my old photo albums to look at my own limbal rings to see how I am doing in the aging department. Here are the pics.

The top pic is from age 19 when limbal rings are still in the prominent stage. They don't look all that dark or thick on me. Hmmmmm. Maybe they never were. I will have to investigate more pics. The bottom pic is now. 
limbal ring eye collage
I still see a bit of a ring so I guess I am not too old yet! 

Let's try to Have a Beautiful, Less Judgmental, Day!

Licensed Cosmetologist, Esthetician, Makeup Artist

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